Proposals are now invited for twenty-minute papers (in English or Irish) on any aspect of eighteenth-century Ireland, including its history, literature, language, and culture.
There is no specific conference theme, but proposals for papers and panels addressing the following topics will be particularly welcome:
- Eighteenth-century Belfast
- Ireland and Europe
- Music and performance
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to Moyra Haslett ([email protected]) before Monday 29 April 2019. Proposals should include: name, institutional affiliation, paper title, and a 250-word abstract.
Prospective speakers will be notified of a decision by Monday 6 May 2019.
Cuirfear fáilte ar leith roimh pháipéir agus/nó roimh phainéil iomlána i nGaeilge ar ghné ar bith de shaol agus de shaíocht na Gaeilge san Ochtú Céad Déag. Iarrtar ar dhaoine ar mhaith leo páipéar 20 nóiméad a léamh, teideal an pháipéir mar aon le hachoimre ghairid (250 focal) a sheoladh chuig Moyra Haslett ([email protected]) roimh 29 Aibreán 2019. Cuirfear scéala chuig cainteoirí roimh an Luan an 6 Bealtaine 2019.